Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing Campaign for Ocean Spray Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing Campaign for Ocean Spray - Essay Example In its recent practices, Ocean Spray intends to launch its product by using OrbitTM Easy Open lid with new design of bottles and canes in Australian market during Christmas. In the London’s market, Ocean Spray wants its modified products to be launched during the Christmas process. Promotion Mix Promotion mix is, in this paper, used to describe the features of OrbitTM Easy Open Lid. Procedure of launching the new modified products in the market by Ocean Spray has been described in the mix along with a few effective measures to promote the product. With this concern, the aspects of price, product, place and promotion will be taken into account for the development of promotion mix. Price The product price of Ocean Spray is suitable for the consumers. It is worth mentioning in this context that the customers, existing in the London market, are largely regarded as quality seekers rather than price seekers which in turn indicate that price might not be quite influencing in comparis on to the quality features. However, the product prices of Ocean Spray must be consistent with the process charged by the competitors of the organisation which in turn may render the product with better competitive advantages to penetrate in the market. Introducing the product in new market may lead to a substantial increase in price of the relevant products. Hence, it should be mentioned in this regards that the rise in price of Ocean Spray’s products must be reasonable and suitable for the London’s market keeping in focus the consumption power of the targeted customers which may also be beneficial in obtaining better customer satisfaction (Mason & Brice, 2012). Place With due significance towards the features of the modified product offered by Ocean Spray, the marketer needs to select the place where the product can be launched for better accessibility to the targeted consumers. Notably, as the customers in London tends to be highly persuaded towards quality assuranc e, the places which attract majority of customers from the young generation and niche economic stature can be considered as the most suitable region for the launch of the product. It is due to the reason that these groups of customers not only tend to be health conscious, they can be attracted with regards to the product features through quality services. Moreover, as the product is intended to be launched during the Christmas vacations, the Charing Cross road and various other Christmas markets which attract a substantial number of tourists can also be regarded as the most suitable places for the launch of OrbitTM Easy Open Lid (Farmer, 2011; Official London Guide, 2012). Product Ocean Spray is one of the most experienced companies in manufacturing of canned and bottled foods. In order to bring innovation and gain competitive advantages in its product line, Ocean Spray intends to launch its product in the London market by giving its product a new look and shape using the OrbitTM Ea sy Open lid. The new packaging product selected by Ocean Spray to be launched in the Christmas markets of London comprises basically of juice and drinks, cruising dried cranberries, dried fruit, sauces, fresh fruit and oatmeal and among others. The consumers in London are observed to be highly inclined towards the variety in which the product is

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