Sunday, May 24, 2020

Bullying The Common Way Of Bullying - 979 Words

Melissa Grimes Trossman Composition 7 December 2015 Bullying Bullying is being mean to another person over and over. Bullying includes many different forms: teasing, saying something to hurt another person, spreading rumors, attacking someone or hitting them, or leaving someone out on purpose. ( There are three types of bullying: emotional, physical and cyberbullying. Students are bullied for many different reasons. Reasons such as weight, race, skin color, height, educational performance, and health conditions. Cyberbullying is when someone is bullied on line (Types of Bullying). This is the most common way of bullying because the person bullying can hide behind a screen and may feel like they have power. There are different things that people will bully you on over the internet. They could call you names, if you don’t have a lot of followers as them, have more followers than you follow, your photo isn’t good enough. These are the things that teenagers worry about (Steinmetz). Emotionally bullying is when some one is constantly calling you names, making fun of your looks, the way you dress, etc. This type of bullying usually occurs when there are two friends who are in a fight and this is how they get their anger out. But either way it is still bullying (Types of Bullying). Physically bullying someone is any kind of threat or putting your hands on someone. It can range from hitting someone every time you see them to purposely shoulder checking them.Show MoreRelatedBullying Is A Modern Threat Of The Security Of Many People Around The World1726 Words   |  7 Pagesin their life. Bullying can be so extreme that it can bring physical harm to some people. Bullying is a modern threat to the security of many people around the world. To figure out the personality of a bully we need to define types of bullying, causes of bullying, traits of bullies and possible cures of bullying. The first subject that needs clarification is the types of bullying. There are many different types of bullying in the modern world. There are four basic types of bullying; there is physicalRead MoreBullying Effects900 Words   |  4 PagesCauses and Effects of Bullying Every year, approximately 7 percent of students report to being bullied (â€Å"Physical†). Most people know bullying is wrong, but it continues to play a dominating role in the lives of adolescents. Whether the bullying was done by spreading rumors, calling someone names or through the Internet, there are many different causes of bullying, why it occurs, and how it effects the victim. The causes of bullying can influence how the bully decides to target a victim. VictimsRead MoreBullying Is The Rise Across The Nation1636 Words   |  7 PagesBullying is on the rise across the nation. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, 30 percent of students of students were bullied during the 2010-2011 school year. 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Bullying has been a major problem in our society. The power of bullying can ruin someone’s life. Nothing good can ever come from bullying no matter how it happens. Bullying has been around for a long time, and it must come to an end. Bullying should be stopped because of the terrible and heartbreaking outcomes. To begin, the power of bullying is disgraceful land will always have a negative outcome. Bullying occurs when someone is repeatedly harmed by someoneRead MoreBullying and Cyberbullying: An Analysis870 Words   |  3 Pagesthe two genders (boys or girls) are more involved in bullying, an analysis of findings will be conducted. As the aim of the research is to focus on boys and girls between the ages of 14 and 18 (grades 8 to 12), it is important that the types of bullying that are relevant to the age group are looked at. With the advancement of technology, most teenagers in high school are active users of social networking. This leads to cyber bullying. Cyber bullying includes sending â€Å"text messages or messages over socialRead MoreBullying essay1029 Words   |  5 Pagesamount of bullying happening all the time. A community member heard about the severity of this case. She stepped in and volunteered to serve on and start an anti-bullying campaign at the middle school. Her program was based on the education of bullying. Bullying, what is bullying? It’s defined as the â€Å"Use of superior strength or influence to intimidate someone, typically to force him or her to do what one wants.† There are many types of bullying, Physical Bullying#, Verbal Bullying, Social BullyingRead MoreBullying : Bullying And Bullying941 Words   |  4 PagesThere are different ways to describe bullying. states the definition of bullying is â€Å"unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance.† Webster’s dictionary portrays the definition of bullying is to frighten, hurt, or threaten (a smaller or weaker person): to act like a bully toward (someone), or to cause (someone) to do something by making threats or insults or by using force. mentions A personRead MoreBullying Is The Most Common Form Of Bullying916 Words   |  4 Pagespeople are like this student, yet no one bothers. Not only p hysical, but bullying can also occur in verbal, emotional, and sexual. Verbal bullying can affect people as much as any other types can. This is probably the most common form of bullying because it occurs without even knowing. Even people in authorities can have a hard time detecting verbal bullying because there is no obvious signs of it, like a physical bullying would have. Moreover, girls are usually the victims and violator. They excludeRead MoreCyber Bullying And Social Media1110 Words   |  5 Pagescomputers were not common (Social Media Bullying, 2014). Fast forward to the present day and it has become less common for a person to not have a computerised device in their palm or pocket. With the ease of access to a social world comes upsides and downsides to the way our society has shifted and evolved. The mass use of media allows individuals to stay in easy, constant contact with loved ones or people geographically across the globe from us. It also allows for an effortless way for individuals

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