Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Explain How To Support Others To Promote Diversity Equality And Inclusion

Task A Short answer questions Ai Using the table below, explain in your own words what each term means. Give one example from care practice to illustrate your explanations. Diversity: The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies.Example: One of my workmates wears a head cloth due to her religion, every one who works with her accepts that and do not object or make fun of her†¦ Every one respects her religion. Equality: Equality defined basically means equal rights for people regardless of what factors they might have that are different. Equality states that because they are human they must be equal. Example: every one is treated the same way. Inclusion: Inclusion is based upon the i dea of allowing everyone equal access to a service regardless of gender, disability, religion i e, There are many ways to ensure that your setting adheres to its inclusion policy.Example: I am feeling respected and valued for who I am at work. Discrimination: A person is treated less favourably than someone else and that the treatment is for a reason relating to the person’s protected characteristic (e. g. disability) Example: My workmate has a slight disability but is treated the same way as the rest of my â€Å"team† no favours or less favours, just the same as the rest of us. Aii For each of the following people/groups of people, describe two different possible effects of discrimination.An individual: Loss of opportunities, withdrawal and depression, loss of self esteem. Their families: Anger, frustration and helplessness. Wider society: Loss of opportunities (what the individuals could contribute to society), division and disharmony. Those who discriminate: False s ense of self importance, possibly shame if they are confronted about their actions (discrimination is not always intended). Aiii Using the table below, identify three ways of challenging discrimination, and describe how each will promote change. Way of challenging discrimination, how this will promote change. 1. Policy and Procedures. 2. Direct Confrontation. 3. Reporting Discrimination I can use each of these methods to encourage the abuser to see and understand what they have done wrong. This is more likely to promote a change in their behaviour than leaving them unchallenged. It also sends a message to others in the setting. Task B Leaflet Bi Your work setting is running an induction course for new social care workers in an adult social care setting.Guidance for new workers. How can I learn new things? You can be told information, watch someone else do a task, talk about ideas with other people, read information or guidance, watch a DVD, research, ask your manager. A combination of all of the above is probably best, but different people prefer some ways of learning to others. Find the way that suits you best. You should discuss and reach agreement with your manager about the ways that will help you learn best.You might at tend training sessions, or be asked to read part of a book, training package or policy document, or to talk about your work with another team member who has knowledge to pass on. How will I be assessed? During your induction period (which could be up to 12 weeks) you will be assessed to make sure you have understood everything you have learned. Someone within your organisation, for example, your line manager or your training manager, might carry out this assessment. If part of your induction includes an accredited training programme, then someone outside of your organisation may carry out the assessment.However, it will still be your manager who has the responsibility to sign off your Certificate of Successful Completion when you have successfully completed your induction period. How can I develop my skills further? Essential learning for specific tasks, the induction provide you with the basic information and skills necessary for work There will be some tasks, however, that you may be required to do, that will need further learning before they can be performed safely. Examples include, using moving and handling equipment and preparation of food.Your employer must provide you with the learning you need to be able to perform these and other tasks safely. You should not be asked to undertake these tasks without having added the appropriate learning to your induction. Learning should continue throughout your career, and should enable you to develop new skills, and open up career options. Remember that you need to have a look at our policy's and various Act's which may include: Sex Discrimination Act, Race Relations Act, DisabilityDiscrimination Act, Equality Act, Human Rights Act, Health and Social Care Act (Regulated activities) and the Essential Standards, Codes of Practice for Social Care Workers. For me as a trainer, I need to challenge any abuse and explain why it is wrong. c) A description of how inclusive practice can promote equality and support diversity . Through Training and Discussion: Training and discussions are essential to raise awareness of diversity, equality and inclusion in any work settings. Discussion in meetings or group discussion among staffs play a vital role to raise awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion.The more they will engage in discussion or obtain trainings about this issue the more they will learn and be aware of and also they will be able and put them in their everyday’s practice. d) An explanation of how to support others to promote diversity, equality and inclusion. Through providing leaflet, information and policies and procedures: Providing leaflets and sufficient information regarding diversity and equality can raise awareness to a social care worker by acquiring adequate knowledge about it.It also helps them to know about the consequences if agreed ways of working are not followed which restrain them from doing any form of discrimination relating this issue. Task C Reflective account C i Write a reflective account describing: †¢ How your personal preferences, attitudes, heritage and beliefs might impact on working practice. †¢ How to ensure that your own practice is inclusive and respects the beliefs, culture, values and preferences of individuals. Suggested word count: 500 – 700 words A normal work night†¦ I come into work about 19. 0 have a brew and then get handover at 20. 00. Depending if I am in charge or a floor worker I either give out the medicines or start suppers. If I work on the floor I go around to the residents and offer them a few different things they can have for supper, such as toasts with jam, marmalade or just butter, a selection of sandwiches, cereals and hot/cold drinks, such as coffee, tea, chocolate, horlicks and juice or milk. After supper some of my residents watch TV before they retire to bed, and some go to bed straight after supper and may need assistance to get ready.Our lady X likes to go straight after supper a nd needs guidance to her room and help with freshen up prior getting in to bed, I assist her with personal hygiene needs and to put her nightdress on. Then I tuck her in proper and make sure she is comfortable and safe in bed, make sure the commode is at the side of her bed and her pressure mat is in front of the bed (just where she usually sit up to put her feet on the floor) so that she alert us staff when she is up out of bed or if she requires assistance during the night.During the night we do 2 hourly checks on our residents to ensure that they are safe, dry, clean and having adequate rest/sleep. In the morning I usually help 4-5 residents to get ready for the day, I pick out two outfits and let the resident choose if they haven't already got something in mind what to wear. I make sure the water is warm before I assist with the personal hygiene needs and I check their skin integrity to ensure that they don't have any pressure points that are sore. I always ask the resident to try to do as much as possible by themselves to maintain their independence, and I always explain to my residents what I am going to do in advance so they can assist me in my job. My residents likes to have a laugh in the morning and some of them likes the radio on in their room whilst they are getting ready so I try to meet their needs as much at possible. We often talk about their lives, what they have worked with, where they've been on holiday and so on. The residents often like to hear about my life, since I'm from Sweden, and I tell them when ever they ask.I always try to respect my residents choices and wishes, I don't have a religion and is a non believer, but I respect that people have their own religion and believes and I would never say anything to upset or hurt any of my residents, workmates or anyone. If someone show me respect they get that respect straight back, I don't like people who go around and talk behind your back, if I have done/said something wrong, please say it straight to me so I can justify myself to make it right.Cii Write a brief account that describes examples of inclusive practice. Suggested word count: 150 – 200 words Inclusive Practice is a term which means the practical things that we do, when we are working with people who use our services, which demonstrate our professional values, standards, and principles in action. In particular Inclusive Practice is about participation, collaboration, and including people: where individuals are fully involved in choices and decisions that affect their lives and in the matters that are important to them.People who use mental health services say that being listened to, having their individual needs taken account of, and staff attitudes and values is a very important part of keeping well. The experience of participation is often as important as the end result. Participation itself may be an outcome. Inclusive Practice can benefit staff through sharing knowl edge and learning new and effective ways of working with people. People who use services bring new ideas, and we are able to respond from a more informed position. Inclusive Practice is good practice, and is also about a human rights and anti-discriminatory approach to mental health.Inclusive practice underpins anti-discriminatory practice and is the practical way in which we put our equality policies/agenda into action. All people are citizens and have rights and entitlements. They should be treated fairly regardless of race, religion or abilities. This applies no matter: what they think or say, what type of family they come from, what language(s) they speak, whether they have a disability or whether they are rich or poor. All people have an equal right to be listened to and valued in the setting. Equality and diversityMy thought on this subject is that it encompasses gender, race, age, disability, linguistic differences, learning abilities, sexual orientation, socio-economic statu s and cultural background and so on. Ciii Write a brief account that describes practice which excludes the individual and is discriminatory. Suggested word count: 150 – 200 words The activity coordinator might come to our unit to play dominoes with our residents but have to exclude two gentlemen, because one of them is deaf and the other one is blind, and that has everything to do with the lack of time and/or staff†¦To have the TV on so low that the blind gentleman can not hear the program he would like to listen to and have to go to his room and become isolated. Residents in wheelchairs that can't go on outings i. e a pub lunch because there is no wheelchair access to the pub or the door way are to narrow for the wheelchair. Residents with dementia that are excluded from outings due to being loud or noisy. To tell a resident to stay on his/her room because he/she is not allowed to sit in the lounge with others because he/she is shouting out at times or being very loud t alking to him/her self.

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