Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Short Stories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Short Stories - Essay Example Louise Mallard is portrayed as a delicate individual as a result of her heart condition who seems to be in a happy marriage with her husband. Her ability to accept the bad news concerning her husband’s death and her need to be alone in order to deal with it shows that she is not only a strong woman, but also one who prefers her independence. The thoughts that she has about her husband are based on their good times that they had together and the love that he openly showed her. Her memories of these events lead her to sob over his death because she realizes that her life is never going to be the same. As she is weeping for her husband, Louise looks at the sky and sees it covered with clouds that have patches of blue showing through. The clouds symbolize the grief through which she is undergoing and the patches of blue in the sky are used to show the hope that she will be able to move on and come to enjoy her life than she had before. However, Louise also starts thinking of the potential freedom that she is going to have as a result of her husband’s death. She comes to realize that she no longer has to live according to the whims of her husband but in her own terms; a realization that allows her to het over her grief swiftly. Louise comes to have hope in her life and this is through her belief that because she is still young, she has a long time in which to live the way she wants. This belief in her new found freedom is a reflection of her possibly having been in a marriage that did not make her happy even though her husband loved her. This is exemplified through the statement â€Å"And yet she had loved him—sometimes†, one that shows that she might not have married for love but out of convenience. This story ends up being ironical because despite Louise’s expectation to live the rest of her life in her new found freedom, she is not able to accomplish her dreams. This is because in her husband ends up being alive and well and when she sees

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